What Makes It So Hard for Some People to Make a Commitment in a Relationship? It is because some people have fear about commitment. These are some of the common fears of committing: Fear of losing control over one’s self or one’s life. Fear of betrayal by another person. Fear of being vulnerable and dependent […]
7 Suggestions for a Lasting Relationship
Is It Possible to Remain Special to Each Other Even After Several Years of Being Together as a Couple? It is possible to have a successful relationship and to remain special to each other even after many years of being together. However you must be willing to cultivate and build your relationship. The couple relationship […]
Stages of a Healthy Relationship
There are 5 key stages of a healthy relationship. Stage I: Infatuation After three or four dates: Frequently sexual relationship begins. Thrill of someone new who gives me positive attention and likes me. I finally found the person I have been looking for. I love the feelings: love; being in love and desired. Enmeshment: No […]
Tips on Meeting New People and Having Conversations
Helpful Tips For When You Meet Someone For the First Time Make a point of introducing yourself to the new person. Make eye contact and keep eye contact on and off when you are talking to a new person. Try to relax your body. You can-take a few deep breaths when needed. Smile whenever possible […]
Breaking Up and Relationships
What is the best way to get over a relationship break up? Here are some suggestions: Practice self-care. Do as many of the activities you most like to do as much as possible. This helps the time pass until you feel better and will help you heal. Avoid over-analyzing why you broke up. You […]