Friendly, Personal, Private assistance from an experienced psychologist
Professional Background and counseling approach:
- Licensed Psychologist: PSY 9621
- Over 25 years of counseling and clinical experience
- 15 years of experience teaching group psychotherapy courses. (Trained by Irvin Yalom, MD, and the American Group Psychotherapy Association.)
- Founder and President of the Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy (, a nonprofit training organization
- Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (National Recognition)
- 1999 and 2015 President of Santa Clara County Psychological Association
- Located in Mountain View, California
See my complete CV here.
Professional Background
I received a Ph.D. in psychology from United States International University (now Alliant International University) in San Diego with specialized training in clinical and counseling psychology. I am licensed as a Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor and I am a licensed psychologist and a fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. I am a founding member of the National Association of Certified Group Psychotherapists.
I am also the founder and president of the Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy, whose mission is to promote group psychotherapy and train group psychotherapists. I have served as president of Santa Clara County Psychological Association both in 1999 and 2015. I have 10 years of experience as a board member.
I belong to nine professional organizations. I teach continuing education courses on Group Psychotherapy and I have given several professional-level presentations and workshops on shyness/social anxiety, relationship issues, codependency, and group psychotherapy.
How Psychotherapy/Counseling/Group psychotherapy support can help you
In my approach to counseling, I emphasize self-understanding leading to behavioral change.
Because good psychotherapy puts you and your concerns at the center stage of a counseling relationship, you have the opportunity to talk about yourself, explore your own feelings and life experiences, and come to understand your patterns of behavior. Through this process, you begin to understand your needs and learn how to become more assertive in getting them met. You develop positive healthy self-esteem and a stronger sense of self.
In psychotherapy, it has been my experience that most people make profound life changes for the better. Many of these life changes are in the form of bringing more people into their lives, experiencing more rewarding relationships, and changing patterns of behavior.
In Group Psychotherapy you are part of a small group of members who are also working on their issues. Through the group support of peers, acceptance, understanding of your issues, and gentle feedback you grow and improve your relationship skills. You learn to relate better with others and are more at ease. This is a supportive team approach. You work with caring for others to develop the life you would like to lead.
Areas of Specialization in Private Practice
- Counseling for individuals for relationship issues, loneliness, and social isolation, social anxiety, self-esteem.
- Stress management, time management, depression, and anxiety.
- Codependency, Adult Children of Alcoholics, childhood trauma/abuse. Family of origin issues that interfere with your life.
- Singles issues-dating, meeting new people, commitment issues.
- Group Psychotherapy for relationship issues and skills, self-esteem, social isolation, and
- Interpersonal Skills to develop healthier ways of relating to others.
Professional Experience
Over the time I have been in private practice, I have developed a specialization in working with social anxiety, codependency, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and relationship issues. In order to develop these areas of special focus, I have actively studied and developed methods for working effectively with my clients on these issues.
Professional Presentations
Clinical training presentations:
- Employee Assistance Program Association, The Unique Benefits of Group Psychotherapy – Fall 1995
- Northern California Group Psychotherapy Association: Group therapy presentation -1996
- Calif. Psychological Association: Effective and Dynamic Psychotherapy Groups, Annual Conference -1996
- California Psychological Association: Avoidant Personality Disorder (social anxiety), Annual Conference -1997
- Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society Clinical Conference: Too shy to trust, too quiet in group, working with shy and avoidant clients in group psychotherapy-2000
- Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society Clinical Conference: Benefits of the Clinical Summary in Group Psychotherapy-2002
- California Psychological Association: Effective and Dynamic Psychotherapy Groups, Annual Conference-2003
- Northern California Group Psychotherapy Clinical Conference: Personality factors and group psychotherapy leadership:2004.
- California Psychological Association: Working with children and adults in group psychotherapy: 2006
- Northern California Group Psychotherapy Clinical Conference: Maximizing the power of group psychotherapy: 2006
- Northern California Group Psychotherapy Clinical Conference: Too Shy to trust: too quiet in group: working with shy clients in group psychotherapy: 2008
- Santa Clara County Psychological Association: The Essentials for Starting and Leading successful psychotherapy groups:2009
- Center for the Study of Group Psychotherapy: Successful Therapy Groups: The Ins and Outs, 2017
Staff Training and Consultation:
- Palo Alto Rape Crisis Center -1989-1994
- Stress Management, Staff Burnout, Rape Trauma Syndrome, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Staff training and consultation: Human Affairs International: Couples Therapy -1992
- Staff Training: Family Services, Inc.: Group Therapy -1995
- Staff Training: Group Psychotherapy and social anxiety: Santa Clara University Counseling Center -1995
- Staff Training: Working with Shy Clients in Counseling: Stanford University Counseling Center – 1998
- Staff and Intern training: Life Moves, a nonprofit organization, Group Therapy, and Mindful Self-esteem, 2016
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association
- California Psychological Association
- Santa Clara County Psychological Association (Board Member: 1995- 2000, 2014-2016, President 1999, President, 2015).
- San Mateo County Psychological Association
- Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society
- American Group Psychotherapy Association
- Austin Group Psychotherapy Society
- Group Psychotherapy Association of Los Angeles
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