Can These Relationships Really be Successful Long-Term?
Relationships can be successful if they begin with online dating. Just as in regular dating it depends upon a number of factors including:
Relationship skills of each person
The amount of time and thought put into the relationship
Similar views and values on dating, relationships, handling differences, and children
Both partners want the same type of commitment.
Is it Easier to Handle Rejection if it is Over the Internet ?
It depends upon how much emotional investment or fantasy you have about someone you have met online. Keep it light and friendly until you have spent some real time with someone and rejection should be easier to handle with most of the people you will meet.
How Much Do You Really Know About Someone That You Have Met Online?
You are really know very little about someone you have only communicated with online. However you can certainly use profiles and then later on email to screen for people you might have an interest in. The internet allows people to speed up the process of meeting possible dates or partners.
Looking For a Life-Time Partner Through Internet Dating
If I am Looking For a Life-Time Partner is Internet Dating Different Than Just Looking For Someone to Spend Time With Right Now?
I think it is easier to take emotional risks with online dating if you are not looking for a life partner. Again keeping it light and seeing where it goes is the best strategy before expectations are built up.