As someone who experiences social anxiety you can have the support and coaching/counseling you need to become less socially anxious, feel more relaxed around others, learn how to bring more people into your life as close friends, and find a partner. Most people who experience social anxiety need help developing or better utilizing their social […]
Dating Tips for Shy People
The tips below are provided to give you a general structure and guidelines to follow in dating. It is often very stressful to date or to try to date when you are shy. If you find that you are unable to complete any of the tasks below, or if you become very distressed when attempting […]
Overcoming Shyness
Here are some exercises and advise for shyness. For more help with shyness, visit: Finding Out About Shyness: True or False I find it very difficult to talk to new people. I lack confidence with people. I feel very tense and nervous when I try to initiate a conversation At work I have difficulty […]
Exercises and Strategies For Managing Social Anxiety
Negative self-talk/self-criticism and tension make an already anxiety provoking situation that much more difficult. In fact, we know that negative thinking creates anxiety, and interferes with attention and concentration. Try having a conversation and being friendly when all of that is going on! Exercise: Think of a Social Situation that Caused You Difficulty Recently: Think […]
Understanding your Social Anxiety
Counseling or Psychotherapy for Anxiety Counseling of psychotherapy for anxiety can help reduce the level of anxiety you are experiencing and can also help teach you techniques to manage anxiety when anxiety occurs. Some of the ways that anxiety is helped by counseling include: Providing the opportunity to talk through situations that have made you […]