Decreasing Social Isolation and Social Anxiety Many individual psychotherapy clients who do not have a support system are often fearful and distrustful of others if they attempt to get too close. Many of these clients can function very well in structured work or school settings, ( in front of a computer ) but find it […]
The Differences Between Individual and Group Psychotherapy to Help You Consider Joining a Group
A therapy group is a supportive and understanding group of like-minded people who help you as they help themselves. In group therapy vs. individual therapy you have the chance to learn to express yourself with your peers. These skills which transfer to outside relationships. A therapy group is a small community to which you belong […]
For Psychotherapists: Essential Differences Between Individual and Group Therapy
Individual vs. Group psychotherapy: What are the Essential Differences? The therapeutic alliance in group psychotherapy is with the group itself (comprised of the group psychotherapist and the group members) and not just with the psychotherapist. Different therapeutic factors are at work in group psychotherapy. In group psychotherapy, interpersonal feedback from peers is considered the most […]